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Challenges of the Global Village and the Ties that Bind


Join Barbara Kingsolver, the WV Center for the Book, the Shepherd University Foundation, and the WV Humanities Council for "Challenges of the Global Village and the Ties that Bind," a series of programs that address issues of Global Warming and ideas expressed in the One Book One West Virginia Common Read Selection by Kingsolver, Flight Behavior. 

The series begins tonight at 7:00 p.m. in the Byrd CHE with a screening of Dark Waters, with Dr. Peter Vila (Environmental Science) and Dr. Haley Albright (Chemistry) leading the discussion after the film.  Events run through the end of next week.  Events are free, in-person or virtual, and links for each of the programs in the series can be found on the AHWIR Kingsolver events page at https://www.shepherd.edu/ahwirweb/kingsolver/schedule.  Appalachian Heritage Festival events information can be found at https://www.shepherd.edu/pass.


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